Exhibition Text
‘Intimate Immensity’ launches Walker’s investigation into the patterns and rhythms that recur in nature and, in the artist’s own words, ‘the tiny and ever-expanding universes that we hold within ourselves.’ From cellular structures to clouds, microorganisms to nebulae, the paintings simultaneously evoke the micro and the macro in a way that is given form by the viewer’s imagination. Informed by the phenomenological ideas of French philosopher Gaston Bachelard – who coined the oxymoronic concept of ‘intimate immensity’ – Walker explores worlds within and without, looking at how our innermost selves are inconceivably interwoven with the vast universe. Painted on timber, her abstracted imagery emerges from a combination of experimentation and intent. Layering, sanding, digging, grinding, glazing, dripping and scratching, the artist creates a melange of surfaces that cause the eye to travel and meander, catching glimpses of familiar patterns while at the same time travelling across unfamiliar visual terrain.
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