Hobie PorterSentinel, 2023oil on polyester canvas113 x 200 cm, 120 x 207 cm (framed)$34,000
Hobie PorterBreathing Space, 2023oil on polyester canvas70 x 130 cm, 77 x 137 cm (framed)Sold
Hobie PorterLooking through the Angophoras (Berry Island), 2020oil on polyester canvas86.5 x 166.5 cm (framed)$22,000
Hobie PorterThe Big Scrub (Stenocarpus sinuatus), 2022oil on polyester canvas80 x 120 cm, 87 x 127 cm (framed)$19,500
John Prince SiddonWeaving, 2023acrylic on canvas120 x 120 cm$7,500
John Prince SiddonNumbat Night, 2024acrylic on canvas120 x 150 cm$8,600
John Prince SiddonThis Is How They Hunt Us, 2024acrylic on canvas120 x 120 cm$7,500
John Prince SiddonSpider Web and Kangaroo, 2024LED148 x 153 cmEdition of 5$13,500Commissioned by Cement Fondu
Jo BertiniRiversky, 2024oil on Belgian linen155 x 202 cm, 157.5 x 204.5 cm (framed)$26,000
Jo BertiniWalking Rain, 2023oil on Belgian linen97 x 101.5 cm, 99.5 x 104.5 cm (framed)$10,000
Jo BertiniThe Reverent Eye, 2024oil on Belgian linen132 x 152 cm, 134.5 x 155 cm (framed)$18,500
Jo BertiniValley of Wind Rifts & Wittering Songbirds, 2023oil on Belgian linen96.5 x 102 cm, 99.5 x 104.5 cm (framed)$10,000
Nicola MossMoving Out of Home, 2024acrylic and paper on linen92 x 92 cm, 95 x 95 cm (framed)$6,800
Nicola MossStill Water, 2023acrylic and paper on linen152 x 112 cm, 155 x 115 cm (framed)$12,000
Nicola MossLand of Birdsong, 2024acrylic and paper on linen152 x 336 cm, 155 x 340 cm (framed)$32,000
Nicola MossWe are Connected, 2024acrylic and paper on linen168 x 168 cm, 171 x 171 cm (framed)$18,500
Joshua YeldhamTakayna Owl, 2024unique hand-carved pigment print120 x 120 cm, 141.5 x 142.5 cm (framed)Edition of 38$7,800
Joshua YeldhamEye Tree – Morning Bay, 2024unique hand-carved pigment print122 x 85 cm, 145 x 106 cm (framed)Edition of 38$6,500
Joshua YeldhamSeed Pod Owl, 2024acrylic, Hydrostone and cane on hand-carved reclaimed hardwood188 x 82 x 82 cmSold
Joshua YeldhamSelf Portrait, Studio Interior, 2024acrylic, ceramic, light and wood on hand-carved board200.5 x 244.5 cm, 202 x 246 cm (framed)$165,000
Belinda FoxHabitat, 2024watercolour, ink, acrylic spray, collage on board130 x 180 cm, 132 x 182 cm (framed)$30,000
Belinda FoxWhere the sun beats, 2024glazed earthenware & white bronze43.5 x 20 x 14 cm$3,600In collaboration with Glenn Barkley. Glenn Barkley is presented courtesy of Sullivan+Strumpf
Belinda FoxThe storymaker (mother), 2024watercolour, ink, graphite, collage on board110 x 200 cm, 112 x 202 cm (framed)$30,000
Belinda FoxFleeting NL, 2024watercolour, pen, encaustic wax on board19 x 19 cm, 21.5 x 21.5 cm (framed)$3,500
Emma WalkerProtecting the Dreamer, 2024acrylic & mixed media on board141 x 122 cm$16,500
Emma WalkerEmbrace, 2024acrylic & mixed media on board27 x 28.5 cm$3,400
Emma WalkerTenderness, 2024acrylic & mixed media on board28.5 x 29 cm$3,400
Emma WalkerSoft Landing, 2024acrylic & mixed media on board60.5 x 61 cm$6,200
Nicole KellyReflected Trees, 2024oil on antique tin22 x 22 x 4 cm$1,250
Nicole KellyFrom Sunset, 2024oil on antique tin5.5 x 8.5 x 2 cmSold
Nicole KellyOrange path, 2024oil on polyester138 x 167 cm, 140.5 x 169.5 cm (framed)$11,500
Nicole KellyBetween the two, 2024oil on polyester167.5 x 198 cm, 171 x 201 cm (framed)Sold
Lydia BalbalMartakulu, 2023acrylic on linen137.5 x 91 cm$7,500
Lydia BalbalMartakulu, 2023acrylic on linen81 x 184 cm$9,000
Lydia BalbalMartakulu, 2023acrylic on linen150 x 102 cm$9,000
Lydia BalbalWinpa, 2023acrylic on linen122 x 183.5 cmSold
Peter SimpsonHarbour Towards Nielsen Park, 2024oil on linen92 x 122 cm, 93.5 x 124 cm (framed)$8,000
Peter SimpsonLayers, Smiths Lake, 2021oil on linen86.5 x 86.5 cm, 88 x 88 cm (framed)$7,000
Peter SimpsonHarbour Roofs & Treesoil on linen101.4 x 259.5 cm, 103.5 x 261.5 cm (framed)$14,500
Peter SimpsonBurning Bright (Late Afternoon), 2023oil on linen92 x 122 cm, 93.5 x 124 cm (framed)$8,000
Lauren O'ConnorPiscean, 2024acrylic on board150 x 120 cm, 153 x 124.5 cm (framed)$6,990
Lauren O'ConnorFalls – Aliwaniwanyinya APY Lands SA, 2023acrylic on board122 x 90 cm, 123.5 x 92.5 cm (framed)$4,990
Lauren O'ConnorGunguddy Love Letter, 2023acrylic and mixed media on paper76 x 56 cm, 86 x 66 cm (framed)$1,990
Lauren O'ConnorMountains and Scribbly Gums, 2023acrylic and mixed media on paper76 x 56 cm, 86 x 66 cm (framed)$1,990
Leah FraserI can feel you in my midst, 2024acrylic on linen97 x 86.5 cm, 99.5 x 89.5 cm (framed)$6,600
Leah FraserSometimes the sky is just the sky, 2023acrylic on linen122 x 122 cm, 124.5 x 124.5 cm (framed)$8,990
Leah FraserHer roots grow in air and she flows to the sky, 2024acrylic on linen152.5 x 122 cm, 155 x 124.5 cm (framed)$8,990
Leah FraserSongs of absence VIII, 2024acrylic on linen35.5 x 30.5 cm, 38 x 33 cm (framed)$3,000
John BairdOverhead Lamp, 2024acrylic, shellac, wallpaper & wood veneer on board70.5 x 60 cm, 74 x 63 cm (framed)
John BairdBowl of Oranges, 2024acrylic, shellac & wallpaper on board120 x 120 cm, 123 x 123 cm (framed)$9,900
John BairdHarbour Jump, 2024acrylic, shellac & wallpaper on board120 x 120 cm, 123 x 123 cm (framed)$9,900
John BairdGreen Gingham Wall, 2022acrylic, shellac & wallpaper on board60 x 80 cm, 62 x 82 cm (framed)Sold
Kate BallisDendromancy, 2019archival inkjet print on cotton rag paper100 x 150 cm, 103 x 153 cm (framed)Edition of 8$4,990
Kate BallisViviane, 2019archival inkjet print on cotton rag paper100 x 150 cm, 103 x 153 cm (framed)Edition of 8$4,990
Kate Ballis1025 E Apache, 2018archival inkjet print on cotton rag paper150 x 100 cm, 153 x 103 cm (framed)Edition of 8$4,990
Kate BallisPleione, 2022archival pigment print on cotton rag150 x 120 cm, 153 x 123 cm (framed)Edition of 8$6,000Kate Ballis and Tom Blachford
Kate BerginBlack Swans of Trespass, 2011oil on canvas168 x 198.5 cm, 171 x 201.5 cm (framed)Sold
Kate BerginCall Centrepigment print on German rag paper70 x 50 cm, 103.5 x 80.5 cm (framed)Edition of 100$2,500
Kate BerginMonty’s Grand Tour (Featuring Canaletto’s View of Venice, The Riva Degli Schiavoni, looking West, 1736)pigment print on German rag paper74.5 x 93.5 cm, 115 x 130 cm (framed)Edition of 40$3,950
Kate BerginA Slow Journeypigment print on German rag paper65 x 55 cm, 98.5 x 85.5 cm (framed)Edition of 100$2,500
Danelle BergstromReturn I, 2015oil on linen92 x 274 cm$40,000
Danelle BergstromSurrender, 2020oil on linen153 x 183 cm$38,000
Danelle BergstromEntwined V, 2020oil on linen61 x 61 cm$8,500
Danelle BergstromEntwined VI, 2020oil on linen61 x 61 cmSold
Fabrizio BivianoIf It Wasn't For The Coffee, I'd Have No Identifiable Personality Whatsoever, 2023oil on Belgian linen91 x 76 cm$6,000
Fabrizio BivianoStep Up, 2023oil on paper76 x 56 cm, 86 x 66 cm (framed)$3,200
Michaye BoulterAttunement, 2022oil on linen183 x 153 cm, 185 x 155 cm (framed)Sold
Michaye BoulterPatience, 2022oil on hand-beaten steel71 x 48 cmSold
Dean BowenSmall Echidna, 2024bronze16 x 29 x 8 cmEdition of 9 (#5/9)$8,800
Dean BowenEchidna (Female), 2018bronze34 x 78 x 20 cmEdition of 9 plus 1 artist's proof (#7/9)Sold
Dean BowenKookaburra, 2024bronze45 x 46 x 17 cmEdition of 9 (#2/9)$17,600
Dean BowenLove Bird (Male), 2023oil on board122 x 122 cm, 125 x 125 cm (framed)$12,500
Jo DavenportThe Wetlands, 2023oil on Belgian linen170 x 170 cm, 173 x 173 cm (framed)$19,000
Jo DavenportSunset, 2023oil on Belgian linen170 x 170 cm, 173 x 173 cm (framed)$19,000
Jo DavenportWetlands IV, 2023oil on paper76 x 56 cm, 86 x 66 cm (framed)
Jo DavenportWetlands V, 2023oil on paper76 x 56 cm, 86 x 66 cm (framed)$4,200
Kate DorroughRiver Sprites, 2023stoneware ceramic with glaze29 x 38 x 9 cm$2,200
Kate DorroughCalligraphic Marks of an Ancient River, 2023stoneware ceramic with glaze38 x 43 x 29 cm$3,600
Kate DorroughAwakening Knowledge, 2023acrylic on linen167.5 x 213 cm, 170 x 216 cm (framed)$14,000
Kate DorroughAquamarine Depths, 2023acrylic on linen57 x 70 cm, 59.5 x 72.5 cm (framed)$3,500
Scott DuncanFruity Lexiar (makes you sexier), 2024earthenware with glaze22 x 19.5 x 3 cmSold
Scott DuncanToastie, 2023earthenware with glaze39 x 23 x 13 cm$3,500
Scott DuncanTriple Gourd, 2023earthenware with glaze, wool, nylon62 x 24 x 14 cm$3,990
Scott DuncanGoldie, 2023earthenware with glaze44 x 24 x 13 cm$3,500
Jon EisemanAdrift in the Southern Ocean, 2020unique bronze50 x 50 x 28 cm$14,500
Jon EisemanAfter the Storm, 2020bronze77 x 33 x 25 cmEdition of 6$16,500
Jon EisemanThe Collector of Lost Memories, 2020unique bronze67 x 30 x 25 cm$13,500
Jon EisemanNight Passage, 2020unique bronze27 x 44 x 24 cm$12,500
Samantha EvertonSpring Passing, 2021pigment ink on cotton rag79 x 93 cm, 83 x 97 cm (framed)Edition of 5 plus 2 artist's proofs$4,200
Samantha EvertonChameleon, 2021pigment ink on cotton rag79 x 93 cm , 83 x 97 cm (framed)Edition of 5 plus 2 artist's proofs$4,200
Samantha EvertonAutumn Migration, 2021pigment ink on cotton rag79 x 93 cm, 83 x 97 cm (framed)Edition of 5 plus 2 artist's proofs$4,200
Samantha EvertonHuā niăopigment ink on cotton rag58.5 x 80 cm, 64 x 85.5 cm (framed)Edition of 5 plus 2 artist's proofs$4,900
Ian GreigRemain in Light II, 2021oil on canvas167.5 x 111.5 cm, 169.5 x 113.5 cm (framed)$12,000
Ian GreigStorm clouds over the Nightcaps, 2024oil on canvas153 x 137 cm, 155 x 139 cm (framed)Sold
Ian GreigNow That the Past Has Gone, 2020oil on canvas100 x 100 cm, 102 x 102 cm (framed)$9,000
Ian GreigCoopers Shoot Moonrise, 2023ink on paper107 x 78cm, 125 x 95 cm (framed)$4,900
Naomi HobsonAdolescent Wonderland, 2024hardback book with special edition sleeve25.5 x 30 x 2.5 cmEdition of 200$220
Naomi HobsonSunset From Home, 2022acrylic on linen140 x 160 cm$18,000Reserved
Naomi HobsonCoastal Rain Coming in off the Coast, 2023acrylic on linen150.5 x 132 cm$16,500
Naomi HobsonGirlfriends, 2022photographic print on 310gsm cotton rag art paper70 x 104 cm (image size)
82 x 116 cm (framed size)Edition of 5 plus 2 artist's proofs$5, 200 (unframed) -
Rosie Tarku KingMy Country, 2021acrylic on canvas60 x 45 cmSold
Rosie Tarku KingMy Country, 2021acrylic on canvas60 x 177 cm$4,500
Amelia LynchBrunonia, 2022glazed ceramic26 x 22.5 x 19 cm$1,950
Amelia LynchGrevillea, 2022glazed ceramic27 x 28 x 28 cm$2,200
Clifford HowThe Emerging Island, 2024oil on linen169 x 199 cm, 171 x 201.5 cm (framed)$28,000
Kendal MurrayOut of the Pond, James Bond, 2022mixed media assemblage6 x 5 x 6 cm, 15 x 15 x 17 cm (display)$2,200
Kendal MurrayDay Out, Stake Out , 2022mixed media assemblage11.5 x 12.5 x 11.5 cm, 27 x 22.5 x 21.5 cm (display)$4,500
Kendal MurrayHeart to Heart, Head Start, 2023mixed media assemblage11.5 x 14 x 16 cm, 29 x 24 x 26 cm (display)$5,000
Colin PennockAs We Leave the Past, 2024oil on linen140 x 200 cm, 143 x 201.5 cm (framed)$28,000
Colin PennockCoastal Dance, 2024oil on linen140 x 200 cm, 143 x 201.5 cm (framed)$28,000
Colin PennockSpace to Age and Find Peace, 2024oil on linen200 x 260 cm$45,000
Colin PennockPast Provence, 2023watercolour on paper76 x 56 cm, 86 x 66 cm (framed)$3,200
Robyn SweaneyLittle by Little, 2024acrylic on polycotton50 x 70 cm, 53 x 73 cm (framed)Sold
Robyn SweaneyPrecious Little, 2024acrylic on polycotton23 x 23 cm, 25 x 25 cm (framed)Sold
Shona WilsonPrecious, 2024insect wings and pieces on paper76 x 56 cm, 86 x 66 cm (framed)$4,990
Caroline GibbesPenmanship, 2019earthenware & glaze36 x 8 x 12 cm$880
Iltja Ntjarra Many HandsJonathon Price – Kids to be Safe, 2024acrylic on repurposed road sign101 x 101 cm$3,300
Iltja Ntjarra Many HandsMandy Malbunka Lee – 85 km per hour, 2024watercolour pigment on repurposed road sign50 x 74.5 cm$1,800
Iltja Ntjarra Many HandsDianne Inkamala – Care, 2024acrylic on repurposed road sign60 x 60 cm$1,800
Iltja Ntjarra Many HandsCarita Coulthard, Dianne Inkamala, Everard Pei Pei, Jonathon Price, Reinhold Inkamala, Delray Inkamala, Mandy Malbunka – Enough is Enough, 2024acrylic on repurposed road sign135 x 240 cm$14,000