Michaye Boulter & Jon Eiseman: Cusp
Michaye BoulterA Sense of Departure, 2020oil on board35.5 x 28 cm, 36.5 x 29 cm (framed)
Michaye BoulterAnd of Memory and Going Back, 2020oil on hand-beaten steel42 x 29 cm
Michaye BoulterBecalm, 2020oil on hand-beaten steel57 x 62 cm
Michaye BoulterBeliefs, 2020oil on blackwood9 x 9.5 x 3 cm
Michaye BoulterBrilliant Darkness, 2020oil on linen122 x 153 cm, 125 x 156 cm (framed)
Michaye BoulterBy Night, 2020oil on linen153 x 183 cm, 156 x 186 cm (framed)
Michaye BoulterDisappearing, 2020oil on hand-beaten steel72 x 89 cm
Michaye BoulterEdging Toward, 2020oil on hand-beaten steel39 x 56 cm
Michaye BoulterEmbedded Darkness, 2020oil on linen92 x 112 cm, 95 x 115 cm (framed)
Michaye BoulterEndeavour, 2020oil on hand-beaten steel60 x 65 cm
Michaye BoulterFar Becoming Further Still, 2020oil on linen153 x 122 cm, 156 x 125 cm (framed)
Michaye BoulterGather, 2020oil on board35.5 x 28 cm, 36.5 x 29 cm (framed)
Michaye BoulterHidden Silence, 2020oil on linen92 x 112 cm, 95 x 115 cm (framed)
Michaye BoulterHolding, 2020oil on blackwood6 x 7.5 x 3.5 cm
Michaye BoulterKeeping, 2020oil on blackwood7 x 11 x 4 cm
Michaye BoulterLiminal, 2020oil on linen153 x 122 cm, 156 x 125 cm (framed)
Michaye BoulterLost, 2020oil on board28 x 35.5 cm, 29 x 36.5 cm (framed)
Michaye BoulterMystify, 2020oil on hand-beaten steel36 x 44 cm
Michaye BoulterOde, 2020oil on hand-beaten steel30 x 25 cm
Michaye BoulterOther Than Memory, 2020oil on hand-beaten steel29 x 42 cm
Michaye BoulterRecede, 2020oil on board56.7 x 45.7 cm, 60 x 49 cm (framed)
Michaye BoulterReconnect, 2020oil on board28 x 35.5 cm, 29 x 36.5 cm (framed)
Michaye BoulterReflective, 2020oil on board56.7 x 45.7 cm, 60 x 49 cm (framed)
Michaye BoulterReinvent, 2020oil on board35.5 x 28 cm, 36.5 x 29 cm (framed)
Michaye BoulterRelic, 2020oil on hand-beaten steel16 x 21 cm
Michaye BoulterRising, 2020oil on board28 x 35.5 cm, 29 x 36.5 cm (framed)
Michaye BoulterSecrecy, 2020oil on board56.7 x 45.7 cm, 60 x 49 cm (framed)
Michaye BoulterSecret, 2020oil on blackwood6 x 7.5 x 3 cm
Michaye BoulterShaded Memory, 2020oil on linen153 x 183 cm, 156 x 186 cm (framed)
Michaye BoulterTheir Beginning, Time and Place, 2020oil on linen92 x 112 cm, 95 x 115 cm (framed)
Michaye BoulterThinness of Being, 2020oil on linen153 x 183 cm, 156 x 186 cm (framed)
Michaye BoulterTowards Elsewhere, 2020oil on linen153 x 183 cm, 156 x 186 cm (framed)
Michaye BoulterTreasured, 2020oil on blackwood7 x 7 x 3 cm
Michaye BoulterUntamed, 2020oil on hand-beaten steel44 x 56 cm
Jon EisemanAdrift in the Southern Ocean, 2020unique bronze50 x 50 x 28 cm
Jon EisemanAfter the Storm, 2020bronze77 x 33 x 25 cmEdition of 6
Jon EisemanAngels, 2020unique bronze23.5 x 14 x 11.5 cm
Jon EisemanCastaway, 2020unique bronze48 x 26 x 21 cm
Jon EisemanDancing Till the End of Time, 2020unique bronze45 x 36 x 20 cm
Jon EisemanDreaming With Fish, 2016unique bronze24 x 28 x 14 cm
Jon EisemanInto the Silent Sea, 2020unique bronze44 x 40 x 25 cm
Jon EisemanLovers, 2020unique bronze30 x 24 x 14 cm
Jon EisemanNight Passage, 2020unique bronze27 x 44 x 24 cm
Jon EisemanSanctuary, 2020unique bronze68 x 25 x 19 cm
Jon EisemanThe Collector of Lost Memories, 2020unique bronze67 x 30 x 25 cm
Jon EisemanThe Enigma of Dreams, 2020unique bronze22 x 17 x 12 cm
Jon EisemanThe Quiet Awakening, 2020unique bronze43 x 39 x 20 cmSold
Having spent her life on the sea, Michaye Boulter explores the reciprocity between landscapes and the human psyche. Devoid of human imprint, Boulter’s virginal vistas engage with the traditions of colonial painting to critically question the idea(l) of discovery. These pristine unpeopled scenes appear as revenant visions from a time long ago, precipitating the urgency of environmental conservation. Pulsing through each beguiling seascape is the distant horizon, like a void of receding recollection or emerging consciousness, conjuring a rare unfolding moment of synergy between us and the land. Boulter’s new series explores what is contained in the silence of evening when consciousness loosens and the world becomes a little quieter. ‘They reflect my experience of form dissolving’ says the artist, ‘In the half-light, what sustains and what depletes us? In the darkness, what forgotten aspects of self are restored, reawakened and realised?’. In her brooding compositions, she captures the emotional resonances that emerge in the space between light and dark, subtlety and strength, intimacy and distance.
Just as Boulter taps into these existential chasms, Jon Eiseman explores man’s search for meaning in the netherworld between rationality and the subconscious. With a career spanning over three decades, Eiseman has developed a fascinating private mythology that sees solitary figures embark on strange voyages through surreal landscapes, as if distilled directly from a dream. Masterfully cast in bronze, these characters – stand-ins, perhaps, for the artist himself – drift toward the unknown in a vast subconscious sea of possibilities. They are tropes for the future of mankind, as we too drift towards an indistinct horizon. Within Eiseman’s enigmatic iconography of bird masks, suitcases, nests and boats, we catch glimpses of the finite self-striving against the continuum of existence. The tactility and weight of bronze anchors them to the earth or buoys them in ocean, and yet there is the sense that these mystical personae might take flight or sail into oblivion the second you turn away.
In the complex merging of opposites – day and night, dreams and reality – Boulter and Eiseman together contemplate the environmental and cultural timbres of the present landscape. A subtle, shadowy consideration in these works is the colonial ingestion of the natural world. In their shared focus on the voyage – personal and historical – both artists look towards the darkness, opening up dialogues about what our journey forward into uncharted waters might look like. Positioning us on the cusp of new beginnings, there is an offering of hope in these psychological landscapes as we confront the nexus at which dark and light meet, where one can take flight towards the light or penetrate deeper into the shadows.