Exhibition Text

Arthouse Gallery is delighted to showcase a whimsical and dynamic new collection of hand built ceramics by Caroline Gibbes in her first solo exhibition. 

After a 35-year creative career as a jewellery, fashion and interior designer in Australia and Hong Kong, Gibbes’ sophisticated style and creative expression is reflected in a unique and authentic approach to ceramics. Her head turning characters, excavated from an eccentric mind, embody the joy and perseverance of the human spirit. 

Exploring the complexities of female identity, ‘Turning Heads’ speaks of the concept of ‘relevance’ and ‘invisibility’ for the mature female artist. The many roles, facets and expectations placed on women today are reflected in these playful, multidimensional works. Fired in the pressures of modern society these highly satirical works revel in the light of a changing world. Spun and pulled in many directions by the complications of a crowded life, these sculptures explore the power of womanhood, in all its confusion and glory. 


"These works exploded out of my head and hands, quite literally. They are manifestations of my thoughts and feelings, both happy and conflicted, in all their ceramic glory. The playfulness of working with clay and the bright hues of the glassy glazes in these new works capture the vital importance of humour in these changing times. Experimenting with this medium has helped me explore my place in the world and question my emotions around that place.”

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